5 Signs You Need A Church Administrator

1.  More than 25% of your time is spent on church administration. Pastors often find themselves attending to administrative needs that are beyond the scope of a secretary’s authority. This may include tasks such as directing the volunteers who clean the church, reviewing the accounts payable and managing the building maintenance.

2.  Your administrative tasks are increasing – with no relief on the horizon. A growing church will generate an ever-increasing amount of administrative tasks. Although the financial strength of the church is a key factor in determining the right time to hire an administrator, the problem of administrative overload will have to be faced and resolved sooner or later.

3.  You can’t seem to find enough time for prayer and sermon preparation. Too many hours spent on administration can result in a starving flock because your times with the Lord and your personal study of the Scriptures have been neglected.

4.  You are spending less time with your church leadership team. Equipping people for ministry is a primary responsibility in a senior pastor’s portfolio. Spending excessive amounts of time on administrative tasks can drain your emotions and sap the time you need to directly impact the key people in your church.

5.  Your frustration over paperwork gives you a negative attitude toward your ministry. A pastor’s negative outlook can’t always be blamed on Brother and Sister Sandpaper. Many pastors are frustrated by a struggle to find time for exercising their pastoral gifts. They may not like administrative work, but they feel trapped by the responsibility to get it done – regardless of the cost to their ministries or their personal lives.

Do these symptoms of administrative overload apply to you? It may be time to consider hiring a church administrator. It could make your ministry much more enjoyable, freeing you to concentrate on the pastoral areas you are more gifted in.